The Sega Neptune (combined 32x/Genesis) gets a Controller and a Promo Video

The Neptune console was a project from Sega to merge both the Sega Megadrive/Genesis and the 32x to create a more horizontal experience than the tower of power that is the modular approach. There has been some development as Cosam The Great has shared a promo video for the project, giving some insights as to the work that goes into the development, along with some details of the early promotional material for the original project.

As if that was not enough to get you excited about what might be, there has also been an image shared by @DVIZIX showing what the control pad might look like for this project – and it looks amazing. As I have said many times before, I think the 6-button pad is the pinnacle of gaming controllers, and this looks to be an even better version of this – with beautiful transparent XYZ buttons.

Credit Dvizix

Not too much else to report on the project along the lines of release dates or cost, but we will be continuing to follow the project with a very keen interest.

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