Retro Gaming News
Retro Gaming Weekly News #0025
Happy new year to all the readers! I wish you all the best for the coming year.
This week, a certain video game character turns 57 – this character has appeared in a lot of games nfirst appearing in 1985, and is immune to poison. Can you guess who it is?
There is a Rom hack being developed for Ghostbusters for the Megadrive/ which will include Winston [Bloody Disgusting]. Link

A programmer has managed to get PC games running on a NES! Far too complicated for me to really understand, but impressive [TecheBlog]. Link

The Arduboy Mini is live on kickstarter and the reviews seem good for this matchbox sized, 8 bit, monochrome gaming device [The Verge]. Link
Rumour has it that F-Zero might be coming back in 2023 [GameRant]. Link
A WWE star (Xavier Woods) got the entire N64 collection for Christmas – lucky (rich) man [GameRant]. Link

The Polymega has just announced pre orders for a module allowing you to play N64 cartridge [HypeBeast]. I was not familiar with the PolyMega, but it looks like a fine piece of hardware 😍. Link

In a nice feature, Nintendo Life look back at the gaming magzines of 30 years ago to see what they were reporting on and how they were reviewing the hot new releases back in 1992. Link

Gamers Grade have an article discussing which was the best Nintendo generation? Link

Pigsy’s Retro Game Dev Tutorials has a video looking at the 25 new Sega Genesis/Megadrive games in production for 2023. Link
Paste Magazine has a guide on modern handheld consoles to play retro games. Useful as there are quite a lot these days. Link

24sSports have a lit of the best 10 Sega Saturn games. Link

Want to know what its like to play N64 on the worlds smallest monitor? Then TecheBlog will enlighten you. Link

The Gamer looks at 10 games that are turning 30 this year. Amazing ability to create a list out of nothing. Link

CBR (the Kings of lists) have decided to rank every Donky Kong Game (No mention of the actual game Donkey Kong, which is strange). Lin

ScreenRant (the queen of lists) have a list on 10 innovative gaming technologies that flopped with a few honourable mentions in the retro category. Link

GameRant (see a theme with the previous news source…) also love a list. Here they rank all of the Nintendo console controllers. Link
Duelshockers has a look at the best rail shooters of all time. Link

Thats all for this week. The answer to this weeks birthday is Princess Peach! Thanks for reading and please do give us a like and/or a share if you enjoyed it.