Retro Gaming Weekly News #0020

27 years ago this week Mega Man X3 was launched for the SNES in Japan. You can play it here.

This newsletter is still a work in progress, but if you can find 2 mins to fill in this survey so I can understand what kind of news is most popular it would be helpful for me to collate the proper selection. You can find the survey here (and thanks very much).

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DualShockers have a list of 10 of the best villains from NES RPG’s. Niche, but provides a good visual for the cover of the newsletter. Link

Dude on the left is packing some interesting pants.


Inverse has a nice article on how Nintendo need to treat their older games with more respect. Link

Forbes looks back at the lessons learned on consumer values from the OG Game Boy. Link

Crunchyroll has announced Hime’s quest for the Game Boy Color and PC, as reported by Gematsu. Link

Is that Miles hiding on Hime’s head?

Destructiod gives their view on the best 5 Pokemon games (60% retro). Link

Pixel art is the best art.

A modder has created the worlds smallest Game Boy, TecheBlog report. Link

Worlds Smallest Nintendo Game Boy
Game Baby?

The SnesDev Party team have announced the release of Supercooked! a cooking co-op game that works with the OG 16-bit hardware and emulators. Looks like fun! RealotakuGamer has more. Link

The younglings!!!!

Rare is a publisher of distinguished quality, but there have been a surprising number of games that there cancelled. CBR do what they do best and provides a list of them. Link



Reur goes deep on the story of Star Fox 2 – the lost game. Worth a read if you are a fan. Link

From myth to reality: the story behind Star Fox 2, the lost SNES game - Nintenderos
Furries in space.

Back to Rare, Diddy Kong Racing turns 25 and Exputer takes a look back on why you should not judge a game by its cover. Link


California 18 feature a look at the Sega offices in Japan. Link

Bounding into Comics take a look at some very interesting Sega Genesis/Megadrive ROM hacks. Link

Split image of hacked roms for Castlevania: Bloodlines, Streets of Rage 2, and Golden Axe on Sega Genesis
Is that a cigar in your mouth?

Game Asylum look back at the Atari 7800 catalogue – an underrated console? Link

Hacker Noon looks back at some film-to-game conversions that are worth a look. No ET. Link


Cultured Vultures give their view on the 20 best Sega Genesis games ever. Link

Toejam & Earl
Only #20?

Duealshockers have a piece on what Atari was like before the crash of ‘83. Link

Box art was amazing back then.

For the Atari 50 celebration, they developed a new Atari Jaguar emulator from the ground up. GameRant reports. Link

Best console logo ever?

And that’s all for this edition – hope that you enjoyed it. If you missed it at the beginning or forgot, and you have a spare 2 mins – it would be very much appreciated if you can share your feedback on the newsletter (link here).