Retro Gaming Weekly News #0015

Welcome to issue #15, this week – 34 years ago this week the Sega Genesis was launched in the USA, so I use this an an opportunity to play one of the best platform games ever – Sonic the Hedgehog – you can play online here.


You know that Donkey Kong was originally about Popeye right? No? Then you might want to check out CBR’s 10 (surprise surprise) incredibly confusing facts about Nintendo. Link

Brings a whole new meaning to Bomber Man

Last week the NES turned 37 years old, probably the most iconic consoles of all time and Out Kick take you on a trip down memory lane to celebrate this birthday. Link

So many dead ducks

Nintendo has always walked its own path when it comes to hardware and gaming, not always following logical convention and having some massive hits. Gear Rice look at 7 Nintendo products that were different from the rest. Link

Hit or miss when looked at now?

The director of Super Smash Bros – Sakurai – has released some information of the original Smash Bros prototype (minus Mario). Worth a look if you are a fan of the series, Reutir report. Link



Megazone was the magazine for Sega in Australia, but it was also owned by the sole distributor of Sega products. Read more about the shady history courtesy of Super Jump Magazine. Link

Screen Rank look at 10 hardest Genesis/Megadrives they still have not beaten (below). Link

Ghouls and Goblins in hard game list shocker.


Remember back in the day there used to be a lot of brands trying to break into games, with varying degrees of success. California 18 look back at 10 brands (below) that made the decision to release games (mostly retro). Link

10 Surprising Video Games From Famous Brands
Not so greeeeeat

There is a new website that offers 23 emulators to test your rooms playable via a browser. Find it in this link.

The Gamer look at the best of the 8 bit fighting games. Link

Pixel beauties


Thats it for this week, thanks for reading and gives us a like and/or a share if you are enjoying the newsletter (and if you are not, then please let us know what we can do better!).